Logo consisting of 2 upper case letter Ms in a serif font. Between the 2 letter Ms is a vertical line with a dot above it symbolising the letter I in a lower case.

Welcome to the Modest Manifesto

Hi, I'm Iska! Welcome to my blog. I created this platform for two equally important reasons.

Firstly, I aim to share my opinions and inspirations about living life modestly. To me, modesty means embracing moderation in all aspects of life—how we live, eat, drink, interact with others, and engage with the world. Our world is filled with excess, and it's evident that this abundance does not bring true happiness or satisfaction. I believe that learning to be more modest is an essential part of the solution to help ourselves and our planet.

Through my blog, I strive to raise awareness about the importance of living modestly, not only for our own well-being but also for the sustainability of our environment. Here, you'll find a collection of articles, stories, and ideas that inspire me to lead a more balanced and intentional life. I delve into topics such as sustainable fashion, conscious living, mindful consumption, self-care, and much more.

The second reason I created this blog is to find my tribe and foster a community of women who share similar values and beliefs about our place and impact in this world. So far, I haven't discovered a space that caters to people with these sentiments. I invite you to join me on this journey towards a more mindful and modest lifestyle. Let's inspire one another, share insights, and make a positive difference in our lives and the world around us.

If you've made it this far, thank you. I hope you find value and inspiration in the content I create.

With gratitude,

Iska Suleiman

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